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COLA wrote:
It transpires that some twisted shit-stirrer registered as "lukpac", "awestra" and "crummy old label avatar". All of the posts attributed to those names WERE NOT WRITTEN BY AMY OR LUKE.
This person's attempt to cause a damaging rift between SC and FLO is galling in and of itself, but pretending to be Amy and/or Luke, posting hostile messages under their names, is truly a despicable act. However "low" some people may have found some of the (oftentimes) savage humor in the old Snakepit, none of the participants ever sank to such levels. I believe that person really owes an apology (and then some) to Amy and Luke. Needless to say, Amy and Luke now know who that person is.
It goes without saying that I definitely owe a sincere apology to Amy and Luke. They have always been gracious hosts at FLO, and the exasperating posts attributed to them at SC seemed so strange, so entirely out of character.... I should've known that these were the work of a troll. The failing, however, was mine, and I am sorry about that.
I just hope that Amy and Luke understand that. I want FLO and SC to peacefully co-exist, and I know that they can.
One is welcome to say anything one likes at SC -- JUST DON'T HIDE BEHIND SOMEONE ELSE'S NAME. SC is tolerant, but we draw the line at that. Capiche?
I am very sorry for this mess. I just hope that Amy and Luke will accept our apologies. We were duped by a troll, and we should have known better.
I have deleted all posts by the fake Amy and Luke. I do hope that the REAL Amy and Luke will register and post at SC.