Storage drive crashed -- need 'data recovery' software.

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the 801
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Storage drive crashed -- need 'data recovery' software.

Postby the 801 » Tue Dec 09, 2008 7:17 pm

Can anyone recommend a decent program that provides effective data recovery from a damaged/inaccessible drive but doesn't cost an arm & a leg?

Long story short: My 160 GB internal storage drive went south with 3 months worth of un-backed-up torrents. :cry:

I'm seriously thinking of pulling the $80 trigger on the program offered by -- I've installed & run the free demo which shows me nearly everything recoverable on the drive that can be saved, but I'd like to know what you folks have had experience with.

TIA and all that...

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Jeff T.
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Re: Storage drive crashed -- need 'data recovery' software.

Postby Jeff T. » Thu Dec 11, 2008 9:34 pm

I'm not sure about that program for recovery.

But I am constantly transferring date to CDRs and secondary drives. Just tonight one of my computers has decided to get the "NTLDR is missing" error. This happens when you have a boot disc failure for many different reasons, sometimes such as bad cable, bad drive, wrong boot order in bios, jumper settings wrong, etc. Windows does not load, and sometimes a fresh in stall will not happen with this error. The big bummer is that the system has been running fine for months, and now just decided to have this error.

I can get the date off the drive by connecting it to another machine as a slave, and going in there. But I hate it when things go wrong for no reason.

I just ordered a version of Windows XP Pro called the Essentials Version. Ever heard of that one? It is a slick version with only needed updates, and none of the filler. $17.00, so I am going to go for a fresh install with this other windows disc, and pray everything goes fine. But NTLDR is generally an error that does not allow an install of OS. It is at the Dos level.

Anyway, my advice is to attach this bad drive to another system and see if it wakes up there. Sometimes a new jolt of juice will help. I have been going around and around for 7 years with drives and installations, and have had some success with another machine handy to try things out on. I have 5 'puters including a Mac and Dell laptop.

Nice chatting hope I gave you some ideas anyway.
