Negative TV ads will pick up............

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Jeff T.
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Negative TV ads will pick up............

Postby Jeff T. » Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:12 am

Some recent articles state that President Obama has led in running slightly more negative tv ads against Mitt Romney, than Romney has against Obama.

I don't watch much tv at all, and have seen only a handful of each sides strikes. But I do hope that the Dem party goes all out this time without mercy, and that they continue to hammer away on every single thing that can possibly be pounded out, and in force.

Perhaps Obama's seemingly gentler way about him will make the negative ads appear that much more powerful. I don't care how ugly campaigning gets this time, I just want to see Obama finish his honestly won eight year run.

David R. Modny
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Re: Negative TV ads will pick up............

Postby David R. Modny » Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:29 pm

Jeff T. wrote:Some recent articles state that President Obama has led in running slightly more negative tv ads against Mitt Romney, than Romney has against Obama.

Unless there's more recent tracking data, which there very well may be, about the only study I've seen on political ads -- a study done in July -- shows that it's Romney who's running more negative ones....94% to Obama's 89%. ... n-history/ terms of a negative to positive ad ratio, it's 5:1 for Romney vs. 2:1 for Obama. ... amp/189170

Just sayin'.