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Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:00 pm
by Bennett Cerf
The latest in right-wing literature:


Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:01 pm
by Xenu
Am I ignorant for not knowing who the heck that is?

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:34 pm
by Rspaight
I recognize them all but the purple woman. Pelosi?


Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 7:46 pm
by Xenu
No, I meant the author.

I think the "purple woman" is Pelosi.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 9:29 pm
by Rspaight
Oh, right. I've lost count of the players in the right wing noise machine. They're all interchangeable, really.


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 1:11 am
by Bennett Cerf


From the inside flap of "Reckless Disregard" (according to Amazon):

"Democratic presidents placed American fighting men and women in harm's way without the resolve to support them, without the moral authority and courage to command them, and without clear mission objectives for them to achieve."
-Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson

It's a good thing we no longer have Democratic presidents who do that.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:18 am
by Xenu
I sense that Buzz has something of a theme going.

Still, I'm surprised that I've never heard of the guy. I like to think of myself as being fairly up-to-date on the right-wing noise machine.

I'm also curious as to which "Democratic Presidents" (coughClinton) he's referring to in his prior screed.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:57 am
by lukpac

Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson exposes the terrifying, behind-the-scenes story of the years when the most irresponsible President in our history had his finger on the nuclear trigger. Dereliction of Duty is the inside story of the damage Bill Clinton did to the U.S. military and how he compromised our national security. From his laughable salutes, to his arrogant, anti-military staffers, the message came through loud and clear: the Clinton Administration had nothing but contempt for America’s men and women in uniform.

For two years, Patterson was the White House military aide who carried the “nuclear football,” which provides the President with remote nuclear strike capabilities. What he witnessed is shocking. In Dereliction of Duty, Patterson reveals:

* How Clinton missed a golden opportunity to take out Osama bin Laden long before September 11, 2001
* Why a minor “family matter” caused the Clintons to scramble a military jet
* How a young Clinton staffer tried to divert a full Navy carrier battle group just so the President could have a photo-op
* Why female stewards on Air Force One had to keep their distance from the President

But that’s not all. Colonel Patterson reveals that Clinton treated our nation’s most sensitive secrets and powerful weapons with cavalier disregard, while his aides regarded the military as just another tool for domestic politics.

Dereliction of Duty is the book every American concerned about our national security has been waiting for—written by a military man who was an eyewitness inside the Clinton White House, and who can no longer in good conscience keep silent. ... d_cd=c6153

When he was tapped to accompany President Clinton and carry the nuclear "football" that contains the top-secret codes the President needs in case of nuclear war, Lieutenant Colonel Robert "Buzz" Patterson was proud and grateful. He had already put his life on the line for his country many times as he flew combat missions over the Persian Gulf and Bosnia, and he was honored to take on this new and awesome responsibility.

But when he entered the Clinton White House, his gratitude and awe soon gave way to shock, revulsion, and sorrow - as he saw first-hand the cavalier and self-serving way Slick Willie and his henchmen went about the business of running the country. In Dereliction of Duty: An Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Compromised America's National Security, Patterson tells the whole story. Day in and day out in the Clinton White House, he witnessed the President's contempt for the military, his indifference to important issues except insofar as they served his own political or personal purposes, and his reduction of the Office of the Presidency to a playground for his own ambition and thirst for sordid perks.

Patterson not only had numerous opportunities to see Clinton's irresponsibility and neglect of his duties: he also witnessed Hillary's furious, profane rages and relentless shifting of blame to subordinates; the general disdain of Clinton staffers toward the military; and much more. The Clinton White House more closely resembled a college fraternity house than the seat of government of the most powerful nation on earth - and it all led, Patterson argues compellingly, to our armed forces and intelligence services falling into such a demoralized, unprepared state that a disaster was just waiting to happen. That disaster happened on September 11, 2001.

Just when you thought you'd heard it all about Clinton

* Why the biggest security risk in the Clinton White House was the Slick One himself (plus details of the day he lost his copy of top-secret nuclear codes!)

* How Slick Willie lost a crucial chance to strike strategic targets in Iraq because he wouldn't let his golf game be interrupted long enough to examine the situation and give the necessary orders

* The day the President neglected to change the country's top secret nuclear codes: he was too distracted by the Monica Lewinsky story breaking in the Washington Post

* Osama bin Laden: how he came close to being caught on Clinton's watch -- except that the President hesitated too long in deciding to give the order

* Clinton's dishonesty: how it extended to everything from his golf game to his extramarital affairs and - most ominously of all - to his priorities as president and his concern for our national security

* Military personnel: forbidden to wear their uniforms inside the White House - by order of Hillary Clinton!

* What Clinton finally did to lose virtually all the faith and trust that military men had placed in him

* Clinton's cynicism: how he was able to turn on grief when needed to gain political points - and turn it off just as quickly

* The subtle and not-so-subtle racism on display regularly among Clinton staffers

* Hillary: "Harsh, difficult, and unpredictable" - and more about why administration officials fled from their desks and scurried into hiding places to avoid having to deal with her

* How the Clintons spent more than $15,000 of the taxpayers' money to airlift Chelsea's forgotten backpack of books to their vacation spot in the Virgin Islands

* Slick Willie's mood swings: with Hillary around, it was fruit, veggie plates, and ever-so-correct behavior. When she was gone? Booze, babes and barbecue

* A Whitewater smoking gun? The mysterious file box that was Hillary's most important - and most closely watched - piece of luggage

* How Clinton revealed his ignorance of and contempt for the military in ways that any military officer would notice

* The direct correlation between Clinton's political trouble at home and his trips abroad - which cost American taxpayers half a billion dollars

* Air Force One: how Slick Willie tried to turn it into a sexual playground (behaving in a manner that would have landed him in the brig if he had been a military man)

* How the Clinton White House neglected basic understandings of military and defense policy - and compounded this ignorance with arrogance toward the men in uniform

* Why Clinton policy in Somalia was a clear recipe for disaster

* Clinton's response to terrorist attacks throughout his administration: lots of talk and little action

* The appalling details of the day Slick Willie gave the Secret Service the slip and left the man holding the nuclear football to walk back to the White House alone

* How Hillary revealed her basic ignorance of the nature and parameters of the United Nations mission in Bosnia that she was helping to oversee

* When President Clinton met Lieutenant Colonel Patterson's wife - and eyed her as if he were in a singles bar

* The shocking reason why Clinton had to discontinue his jogging regimen

* Inside the Clinton White House: why it seemed disorganized and highly undisciplined to military men and career government service officers

* The bold-faced and outrageous lie that Clinton repeated over 130 times during his 1996 campaign for reelection

* How the Clinton administration time and time again attempted to cover up the shortcomings of its policies, rather than deal with them squarely and correct them

* The high Clinton administration official who admitted, "It was very clear to me right away that we were making this up as we went along"

Patterson explains that he wrote Dereliction of Duty not to attack Bill Clinton, but out of his sense of responsibility as a military man to serve the common good. "And I know," explains Patterson, "that the greater good was demonstrably not served by President Clinton and his administration, which put personal wants and needs ahead of the national interest." That makes this book more important than just a record of Clinton's misdeeds: it is essential reading for every patriot who wants to do his part to prevent such a debased character from ever occupying the Oval Office again. ... d_cd=c6515

September 11 was more than just an act of terrorism. It inaugurated a world war -- a conflict that Democrats are still reluctant to fight. In Reckless Disregard: How Liberal Democrats Undercut Our Military, Endanger Our Soldiers, and Jeopardize Our Security, retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Robert "Buzz" Patterson shows why the Clinton administration's relative indifference to the terror threat wasn't just a product of Slick Willie's skewed sense of priorities. Patterson establishes here that disregard for our national security is epidemic among Democrats. This book is about those Democrats, about the irresponsible ways in which they turn a blind eye to American security -- and why the 2004 election may determine our very survival as a nation.

Patterson is no hardline partisan; he was born into a family of Southern Democrats. He once carried the "nuclear football" for Bill Clinton, so he was able to watch up close as Clinton amassed his record of failure and irresponsibility on national security matters. In this book, the follow-up to his bestseller Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Endangered America's Long-Term National Security, he shows conclusively that the Democrats never focus on America's enemies. Instead, they always assume the enemy is us: America, our armed services, and our intelligence operations.

Patterson demonstrates that John Kerry and his liberal friends would still have us believe that 9/11 was an anomaly, and that we can return to preventing terrorism through law enforcement rather than military action -- the official policy of the Clinton administration. He also reveals why Richard Clarke is a fraud, and that his attempts to portray Clinton as more concerned about terrorism than Bush are self-serving partisan fiction.

Democratic presidents, notes Patterson, have again and again placed American fighting men and women in harm's way without the resolve to support them, the moral authority and courage to command them, or clear mission objectives for them to achieve. Patterson also details how liberals are still deluded enough to believe that we'll be safer if we transfer responsibility for fighting terrorism to the United Nations. These ideas are by no means dead: Kerry, he argues, is the intellectual and spiritual heir of Carter and Clinton.

Among Buzz Patterson's explosive disclosures:

* The shocking reason why we didn't have "actionable" intelligence on al Qaeda and the threat from Osama before September 11, 2001 -- and how it directly implicates the Democratic Party

* The Democratic Party's decades of hostility towards the CIA and FBI, leaving our intelligence operations toothless and legally restricted from sharing information

* The briefing paper given to Clinton in 1996 that described al Qaeda plot to employ commercial airliners as weapons -- and Clinton's calculating, politicized, and ultimately ineffectual response

* The truth about Richard Clarke: how his policies were soft and impotent, and resulted in nothing more than emboldening Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda for future attacks

* How, in the waning days of the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal, liberal Democrats began the emasculation of our national defense

* How anti-war liberals and partisans of the American left "reformed" our intelligence services to the point of impotency

* How the ideology of today's leading liberals -- including Bill Clinton and John Kerry -- still bears the traces of its birth in the Vietnam War protests of the 1960s

* The truth about Kerry's notorious "Winter Soldier" allegations of rampant abuses by American soldiers in Vietnam: how grisly testimony was given by fraudulent witnesses, including some who never actually served in Vietnam and had stolen the names of real veterans

* Hanoi Jane and Hanoi John: the truth about Kerry's involvement with virulently anti-American anti-Vietnam War activities

* Kerry's 1973 trip to Paris, during which he met with both North and South Vietnamese Communists

* Which foreign leaders really love John Kerry? Well, those in France and North Korea, for starters -- hardly bastions of pro-American sentiment

* Democratic foreign adventures from the Bay of Pigs to Vietnam, and from the Iranian hostage crisis to Clinton's pointless interventions in Somalia, Rwanda, Haiti, and Bosnia: how these and other ill-fated episodes under Democratic presidents undermined America's national security in innumerable ways

* President Jimmy Carter: how he slashed post-Vietnam military capabilities and, through his vacuous leadership, shattered military morale -- setting an example that Bill Clinton enthusiastically followed

* How Carter's policies directly permitted the creation of state-sponsored Islamic fundamentalist terrorism that specifically targeted America as "the Great Satan"

* Clinton's legacy: the most extreme and ill-advised defense reductions in our nation's history, the devastation of military morale across all branches of the armed forces, and, through his philandering and unscrupulous behavior, the complete abdication of his moral authority to lead men and women in uniform

* Inaction, indecisiveness, and risk aversion: how these became hallmarks of Clinton's response to terrorism

* Why Janet Reno's Justice Department was reluctant to do anything about the threat of Islamic terrorism

* Shocking incidents Patterson witnessed first hand that demonstrated Clinton's general indifference to the growing problem of global Islamic terrorism

* The openly treasonous sentiments of many "peace" protestors today (including one who carried a sign proclaiming, "I love New York . . . Even More Now That the World Trade Center is Gone")

* How today's Democratic Party is socially liberal to the point of social decadence

* George W. Bush: his profound respect for the military and instinctive ability to command -- two concepts foreign to John Kerry and other liberals today

Patterson proves that we can no longer trust the Democratic Party with our nation's security. Kerry and his fellow liberals believe we can opt out of a war on terror. That's why the people praying hardest for a 2004 Kerry victory are the terrorists themselves -- and why no American who is concerned for our continued survival as a free people should miss the lessons and revelations of Reckless Disregard.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 12:34 pm
by Rspaight
When President Clinton met Lieutenant Colonel Patterson's wife - and eyed her as if he were in a singles bar

OK, that explains it.


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:28 pm
by Bennett Cerf
Patterson is no hardline partisan

Yes, it's just a remarkable coincidence that he managed to write three books bashing the same party.

* The openly treasonous sentiments of many "peace" protestors today (including one who carried a sign proclaiming, "I love New York . . . Even More Now That the World Trade Center is Gone")

Yes, that one sign tells you everything you need to know about today's treasonous "peace" protestors.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:16 pm
by Bennett Cerf
I'll read this one.


Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:47 pm
by dcooper
Rspaight wrote:
When President Clinton met Lieutenant Colonel Patterson's wife - and eyed her as if he were in a singles bar

OK, that explains it.


I picked up on that too, Ryan. Good to see that Col. Patterson is simply an objective observer without an axe to grind.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 1:55 am
by Xenu
Pulp political tirades get so tiresome after a while. Proof: Book-off has 'em all for a dollar. Who BUYS these things?

(Daily-Show affiliates aside, that is)

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:35 pm
by LesPaul666
Just some logical thinking, and no other political influence, makes me run in the other direction, as Luke stated above. Just take a long look at the state of everything. I think it's commonplace these days for people to live in a fantasy world, or something like that. :shock:

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:50 pm
by lukpac
lukpac wrote:

* Military personnel: forbidden to wear their uniforms inside the White House - by order of Hillary Clinton!

Summary: Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson repeated the claim that when he worked in the White House in 1996, then-first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton "wanted to outlaw uniforms, military uniforms in the White House," saying it was a "perfect example" of how Clinton "does not understand the military." Patterson's story of Clinton's purported "edict" -- which he says occurred in 1996 "when he first arrived" at the White House -- echoes a debunked claim about Clinton dating back to 1993. And his version of how he learned of Clinton's purported plan to ban military uniforms in the White House varies with each telling.

Lots more details there...