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Torn And Frayed Productions

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 7:12 pm
by bob2935
I was just reading the All Things Must Pass thread and downloaded Luke's transfer of Everybody Needs Somebody from a very clean copy of Rock'n'rolling Stones. Many Stones fans seem to rave about Mickboy and his remasters but having only heard this track on Only When It's Frozen, after hearing Luke's transfer, I realize that this track does in fact sound good in stereo. Judging from the Mickboy titles I have heard (Get What You Need and Frozen), they appear to be extremely bottom heavy and almost murky. Luke and I seem to agree on good-sounding Stones so I would be interested in his opinions on any Mickboy remasters he has heard. BTW, the Mickboy All Things Must Pass can damage your speakers! For those who love it, please explain.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 11:03 pm
by lukpac
Thanks on the transfer. That's from a UK copy. I also did one from a Japanese copy. Other opinions are welcome...

I don't think I've heard any Mickboy titles. One "famous" boot I have heard is Could You Walk On The Water from Sister Morphine. I've seen raves up and down about that set, but upon hearing it I was shocked at just how bad it was. Mostly dubs of the London CDs with some screwy EQ and *really* bad noise reduction. The unreleased stereo cuts were even more processed, and didn't even come from great sources.


Everybody UK
Everybody Japanese

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 11:14 am
by bob2935
I've heard that one too; not very good. Take Could You Walk On Water and add some extra bass and treble and you will have something that sounds close to Mickboy's Only When It's Frozen. One other annoying thing about Frozen is that Mickboy found great sounding sources for the stereo mixes of 19th Nervous Breakdown and Last Time. Too bad he didn't leave them alone.

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 12:38 pm
by lukpac
Kind of like these?

19th Nervous Breakdown

The Last Time

These do have a bit of EQ from me - my originals are *really* midrangy. The balance is also way off on my originals.

I know somebody who apparently has 1st generation copies of these mixes - one of these years he's supposed to make me copies, but until then, this is the best I have.

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 1:05 pm
by bob2935
Yes, those are the real deal! They're even at the correct speed and your EQ is tasteful. Even if those lower generation copies never show up, you already have something better than anything we've heard on official CD releases. At least an attempt was made to improve the early Stones CD catalog to say nothing of the Beatles.