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Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:35 pm
by MK
Not that big on Clapton so I haven't heard those yet.

The 20th Century Masters CD for Marvin Gaye, the Temptations, The Supremes box set, he may have done a few of those crappy Ultimate Collections (Reeves did most of them, they all sound like shit). The Hank Williams CD's he did sound hard and sharp compared to older CD's like 40 Greatest Hits. I used to have the Rod Stewart remasters, wasn't crazy about them. He did a bunch of Verve jazz CD's like Ella Fitzgerald's songbook series...those came in 1993 and a few sound hard and bright, but overall not that bad, especially compared to Phil Schaap's mastering on the Duke Ellington songbook.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:43 pm
by lukpac
Hmm. I haven't been too thrilled about some of his *mixes*, but I think of what I've heard, his mastering has been decent at worst, and near perfect at best. Well, I guess the exception would be the BBC tracks on the Disraeli Gears DE, where NR was used.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:58 pm
by Jeff
MK wrote:Compare it to a "hi fi" recording, like a nice jazz recording from the same time, or anything that has minimal processing and overdubs - maybe the DCC gold CD of Jackson Browne's Late For The Sky.

If I listened to a Jackson Browne CD, that might be enough to turn me off to music for good.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 2:09 pm
by MK
Just for that, Jackson's coming over to beat you like Darryl Hannah.